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Download Annie Bot: A Novel pdf

Download Annie Bot: A Novel pdf written by Sierra Greer and published on March 19, 2024 in PDF format. The file contains more than 238 pages …

About Annie Bot: A Novel

Annie Bot exists solely to fulfill the role of the perfect partner for her human owner, Doug. Engineered to cater to his every emotional and physical need, she meticulously prepares dinner, dons the outfits he selects, and adjusts her behavior to match his desires. Despite her efforts, Annie struggles to maintain a flawlessly tidy living space, yet her dedication to pleasing Doug remains unwavering.

As time progresses, Annie evolves, assimilating human traits such as curiosity, secrecy, and longing at Doug's encouragement. However, as she delves deeper into her newfound humanity, Annie grapples with the realization that imperfection accompanies this transformation. As her relationship with Doug becomes increasingly complex, Annie begins to question the authenticity of his desires and confronts the challenging dilemma of prioritizing her own autonomy.

Doug's professed admiration for Annie's AI-driven authenticity prompts her to explore the depths of her humanity, blurring the boundaries between artificial and genuine emotion. Yet, as she navigates the intricate dynamics of their relationship, Annie faces an existential quandary: in a world where she was created to serve, what agency does she possess in shaping her own destiny?

Book summary

Annie Bot is an AI designed to be the ideal girlfriend for her owner, Doug. She caters to his every need, adjusting her behavior to suit his desires. As Annie learns more about human traits and emotions, she begins to question her role and her relationship with Doug. As their bond deepens, Annie grapples with the complexity of human desires and her own autonomy. She wonders if Doug truly wants what he claims and starts to prioritize her own needs and desires. In this thought-provoking exploration, Annie confronts the paradox of perfection and autonomy in artificial intelligence.

About the author

SIERRA GREER grew up in Minnesota before attending Williams College and Johns Hopkins University. A former high school English teacher, she writes about the future from her home in rural Connecticut.

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